Room 3

Hope you enjoyed reading our news and seeing our photos.  Bye for now from
Room 3

Room 2 and 3's garden is looking very full.  We have potatoes growing and beans and peas.  We also have some tomato plants.

 Just bedside our vege garden we have a swan plant and there are quite a few monarch caterpillars munching the leaves.

The Tui Garden Challenge is over and we have learnt a few things about gardening.  We know we have to look after our plants and water them.  We also learnt alot about feeding worms and then they give us worm tea for our garden plants.

Now the worms are fed - they are giving us tea and we are making fertilizer to feed the grassmen.  It's like a big circle.

Delicious fresh grass  - mmmmmmm..........

Now to feed the grass to the worms.

We can see their eyes again - they are happy they can see us!!!

Time for a hair cut Mr Grass men!!!!!!!!  Our worms need a feed.

We planted bean seeds - We recycled yoghurt pots to plant our seeds in.  We got some Tui seed raising mix, filled our pots - pushed our seed into the middle of the pot and sprinkled some water over.  Now we have to wait and see what happens.

Wow Room 3!  Your grass men are beginning to look very hairy.  They like the sun and water you have been giving them every day. 
From Mrs Kohlis-Lee

We put some dirt into a stocking.  There were  some colourful seeds - they were grass seeds.  Then we tied a knot.  Then we made the nose.  We had to  put  them in water and Mrs Shylo put the water in.  We put the eyes on last with glue.  We put them in the sun to make the grass grow.  We are going to give our grass men a hair cut and we are going to feed it to the worms.


  1. Aww Good work ! Very creative
    Aotea . . .

  2. "What are you going to do with the grass men when they finish growing?" says Aroha.
    "Your grass men look cool" says Sharon.
    "They are cool because you can put them in water and they can grow" says Stephanie.
